Beavers is run by Hannah Webb.
Beaver Scouts are young people usually aged between six and eight years old. They belong to the first and youngest Section in the Scouting family. Young people can join Beaver Scouts in the three months leading up to their sixth birthday. They can move to the next Section, Cub Scouts, between eight and eight years six months. Easily recognised by their distinctive turquoise sweatshirts, Beaver Scouts enjoy making friends, playing games, going on visits and helping others. They usually meet together once a week in a Beaver Scout Colony. Some Beaver Scout Colonies also organise Sleepovers. These are often the first time a young person spends a night away from home. They take place in suitable buildings, often Scout centres.
The highest badge a beaver can achieve is the Chief Scout's Bronze Award.
It is gained by completing:
These are the badges that we focus on during your child's time in Scouts. Activity badges are awarded but most are gained by the Scout providing evidence that they have completed the requirements of each badge. A full list of Activity Badges and the requirements to get each indvidual one can be found here.
Scout Uniforms can be purchased online at the Scout Shop. They can also be bought from the local Army & Navy in Northwich. The Uniform is made up of 3 items of clothing. The shirt, trousers and neckerchief.
A Neckerchief will be given when your son/daughter is invested into the group. We ask that the full uniform is worn at each Scout night. When representing the group at parades or outings then smart shoes must be worn.
For information on where to sew the badges on your uniform click the image.